The Artprint KARMA is a limited, signed print from the series FACADE!
Canvas print hand painted:
Here is worked on the limited, signed canvas print (12 pieces) with colors and putty.
Poster print, limited edition, signed:
Limited to 49 prints
Canvas print hand painted
High-quality, signed print on canvas, hand-painted and worked over with transparent putty, with structure. The print gets a haptic and an individual touch by this treatment. The canvas is stretched on a wooden frame and needs no additional frame. The work can be hung directly on a nail, on the wall
Poster print, limited edition, signed:
Fine, signed print on 250g paper with white border, limited to 49 pieces * Passepartout and frame are not included in the price.
*For a more detailed explanation of the finishes please see "ART TECHNIQUES"
Canvas print hand-painted:
75 x 100 x 2 cm
Poster print, limited edition, signed
Outer dimensions incl. white border 30 x 40 cm
Motif dimensions, approx. Din A4 - 21,3 x 30 cm
Outer dimensions/motif dimensions, approx. Din A2 42,0 × 59,4 cm
(without white border)
* Passepartout and frame are not included in the format.
For the hand-painted canvas prints receive a certificate with name, date, signature.
Delivery time
Approx. 10 working days
The painting series "FACADE" deals - as the name suggests - with the facade, the appearance, which in our time more and more often covers reality and pretends to others. I spontaneously felt the need to deal with this subject artistically.
I deliberately did not depict the people realistically, as is usually the case, but chose a quick, abstract stroke in keeping with the theme and the concept of the entire work. Characterized by hard contrasts - black and white meets pastel tones. Above the eyes and mouths of the otherwise delicate-looking women, a black dominant bar with white typography. Words like "Artist, Lover, Faith and Hope" briskly brushed in capital letters. Reminiscent of the impression of street art - loud and unmistakable. The usual careful elaboration typical of earlier works of mine is entirely absent here. Quasi a painterly outburst in the otherwise orderly world. I have been told that the painting is reminiscent of the "Junge Wilde" of the eighties, but in terms of thought it springs entirely from our present time.
Anonymity also plays a large role, many faces depict typical posing beauties as seen in current lifestyle magazines, but I have rendered them alien, unrecognizable, out of context and very multi-layered: sometimes vulnerable, sometimes arrogant, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.
The questions that arise: Where does the facade begin here, where does it end? A presumably unsolvable riddle. A mirror of the viewer, of ourselves in this day and age? What exactly do we really reveal about ourselves? How do we show ourselves in public, what do we tell on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Co? The perfect staging of a facade?
Shirin Donia Art in Your Home
I am glad you are interested in having a Shirin Donia artwork for your home. For art lovers and people who value exceptional interior design, interior design or design in general, my art is suitable in any form. Each mixed media painting, original oil painting or acrylic painting or a high-quality art print - guaranteed an eye-catcher in your stylish ambience. Particularly well the works of art come into their own in an old apartment or houses in the Bauhaus style. Whether you want to beautify your living room, bedroom, dining room or hallway with art - in my large assortment of artwork, paintings and art prints, you will certainly find - I would be happy!